The Rural Infrastructure Development Project will be implemented by a Unit under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Project financing amounts to $183.6 million, of which, $100 million from a World Bank IDA credit, $82 million from an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank credit, and US$1.6 million from the Government of Uzbekistan.

The project will be implemented from 2020 to 2024 in five regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Jizzakh, Syrdarya, Ferghana, Namangan, and Andijan, covering 21 districts and more than 300 villages in these regions.

The Project’s development objectives are to improve the quality of basic infrastructure, and strengthen participatory local governance processes in selected qishloqs. 

Eligible investments in basic and climate-resilient infrastructure and services include:

  • rehabilitation of existing rural drinking water supplies and sanitation systems to expand access, through innovative alternative models, to rural drinking water and sanitation services;
  • retrofitting of public buildings for energy efficiency;
  • rehabilitation of social infrastructure;
  • rehabilitation of tertiary roads, walkways, and footpaths;
  • road drainage and strengthening offlood resilience of rural roads;
  • bridge rehabilitation and construction (up to 10 meters long);
  • upgrading of street lighting;
  • improvements to public spaces;
  • solid-waste management systems;
  • small-scale construction of public facilities;
  • installation of antennas to provide wireless internet services;
  • construction and rehabilitation of bus terminals and stops;
  • energy supply activities.

The project is based on five core principles:

  1. Community-driven decision-making.
  2. Capacity building for good local governance practices. 
  3. Gender equitable development. 
  4. Transparency and accountability. 
  5. Social and environmental sustainability. 

The Project is expected to achieve the following key results:

  • Implement at least 300 demand-driven subprojects in basic infrastructure and services in 300 rural villages.
  • Improve access to quality infrastructure and services for over 300,000 rural residents.
  • Conduct approximately 918 social audits to ensure inclusive and transparent Project decisions and the accountable use of subproject funds.
  • Strengthen the capacity of local governments (Khokimiyats) to engage communities in inclusive development processes.
  • Link Mahalla Development Units to other governmental and nongovernmental agencies/organizations to improve access to services and resources.
  • Close gender gaps in voice and participation in village-level decision making, and in access to services through community subproject that address the needs of women.

About Contract

The Contract between the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development – Bulgaria (CEED Bulgaria) dated from June 11, 2021. The contract is funded under the Rural Infrastructure Development Project Implementation Unit, Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction and the World Bank. The contract is focused on Namangan Region in Fergana Valley. CEED Bulgaria participates as a Facilitating Partner in partnership with Rhythm Plus as a subcontractor.

The purpose of the Contract is providing services in the implementation of the project for “Technical assistance in facilitating participatory implementation cycle, monitoring and oversight with regard to demand driven investments in basic infrastructure and services in selected qishloqs (villages) in Namangan region”. The Contract is being implemented under the Loan Agreement No.: IDA-65020 between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the International Development Association (IDA).

The overall objective of the Facilitating Partner is to support the rural development in Uzbekistan through using participatory approach and methods and respond to the needs of rural population. The specific objective of the facilitating partner is to support the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at implementing their role through technical direct and indirect assistance to carry out equitable, inclusive, and participatory development processes in participating qishloqs. The FP will assist the PIU in applying participatory implementation of demand  driven investment on basic infrastructure within the Rural Infrastructure Development Project.

The CEED/Rplus FP work in close communication with the PIU and local actors at the district and qishloq level in Namangan Region to achieve desired results. The FP work with 67 qishloqs in five districts of Namangan region Chortoq (10), Chust (13), Pop (18), Mingbuloq (8), Yangiqurgon (18).

Contractor: CEED

  6 Bigla St., Floor 1, Ap.3,                                                                                       Sofia 1407, Bulgaria

 (359) 2 819 4343


Subcontractor: Rhythm Plus

  5, Rakatboshi street, Proezd-3, Yakkasaray district,                                        Tashkent, 100031 Uzbekistan

 +998 (71) 256-49-88



Contract team

Kamelia Kaloyanova

Project Manager

Social Development Specialist

Technical Capacity Development Specialist

Lubomir Getov

Chief Trainer and Institutional Development Specialist

Ruska Boyadjieva

Monitoring & Evaluation

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