On July 2020 CEED Bulgaria started the implementation of the project “Impact Incubator for Nurturing Sustainability – i2 SustainIT”, funded by the Erasmus+ programme with agreement number 2019-1-UK01-KA204-061873. The i2 SustainIT is being implemented by six partners from four EU countries: EPN Consulting – UK, Worldview Impact Foundation – UK, KISMC – Bulgaria, CEED Bulgaria – Bulgaria, IDEC – Greece and Creative District – Belgium.
i2 SustainIT is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The overall goal of the project is to maximise the understanding and transfer of knowledge on impact, impact investment and sustainability to tackle societal and environmental challenges.
For more information you can visit the website of the project: https://www.i2sustainit.eu/
Project “Impact Incubator for Nurturing Sustainability – i2 SustainIT”