Impact Newsletter 2 – i2 SustainIT


​In the ‘European agenda for adult learning’ the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth acknowledges lifelong learning and skills development as key elements in response to the current economic crisis, to demographic ageing and to the broader economic and social strategy of the European Union. Furthermore, social ventures are increasingly seen as an important way of solving these social and environmental challenges of our age.

The i2 SustainIT aims at nurturing sustainability by embracing impact and change at a very early stage of identifying challenges and providing solutions. ​The focus of the project is on long-lasting positive effect through educating and upskilling mentors and investors to better support social entrepreneurs by various innovative tools for this market.

The Impact Measurement Guidelines is a guide which includes the best frameworks to measure impact, an explanation on why it is important to measure impact, a compilation of impact measurement tools and also an introduction on how investors choose the right impact measurement model for them.

Impact Newsletter 2:

Impact Newsletter 2 – i2 SustainIT
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