The Green Skills Toolkit is a peer learning platform where GreenVETnet partners will deliver best practice learning across the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. It will also collect the best new ideas developed in sectoral trainings.
GreenComp: The European Sustainability Competence Framework, published in early 2022, is applied in the development of the trainings.
GreenComp outlines twelve competencies grouped into four categories:
- embodying the values of sustainability – advocating for equality and justice for future generations, recognizing that people are part of the natural world;
- embracing the complexity of sustainability – helps learners to think systematically and critically by approaching problems from different perspectives, discovering interconnections and questioning their assumptions and preconceptions;
- visualizing sustainable futures – enables learners to imagine alternative scenarios for the future, deal with ambiguity and uncertainty through adaptability, experiment and cross the boundaries between different disciplines;
- action for sustainability – includes political commitment as well as collective and individual action.
Green Skills Toolkit