A first working meeting was held between CEED Bulgaria and BCCI under the project “FSMI in Bulgaria.”

The partners from the Foundation “Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development” and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry held their first joint working meeting on November 14, 2024. As a result of the meeting, an implementation plan for the joint project was discussed. The plan covers key stages and goals to be achieved within the project, with an emphasis on cooperation and coordination between the two organizations for its successful realization.

In the next 24 months, the two organizations will carry out a number of activities aimed at supporting and promoting legal migration by providing information about job opportunities in third countries.

According to 2022 data, 4.5 million citizens of non-EU countries are employed in the European Union. However, Europe faces a growing shortage of skilled labor in various sectors, which presents a serious challenge to the economic stability of the Union and its global economic position. To address this challenge, attracting migrants from third countries is essential for the development of the labor market and economic stability within the EU.

In response to these needs and in line with the goals of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund, the project partners set the following main objectives:

  • Stimulating legal migration to Bulgaria. The project will encourage the attraction of citizens from third countries, accelerate and simplify recruitment procedures, and provide a variety of labor for employers. In addition, the project will facilitate the free movement of workers from third countries and provide information and support for their integration into Bulgarian society.
  • Improving cooperation and the exchange of information between Bulgaria and non-EU countries. These include Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Albania, and Vietnam. The goal is to create conditions for attracting valuable human capital to support Bulgaria’s sustainable development and long-term competitiveness.
  • Creating and sustainably operating an online labor migration platform. The purpose of the platform is to help solve key issues such as the shortage of skilled labor in Bulgaria and the EU. These issues represent a serious challenge to the economic stability of the Union and its global economic role. The project will contribute to achieving the EU’s goals related to labor market adaptation and development.

The platform will support the EU’s ambitions to attract and retain talent from third countries. It will meet the demand for skilled labor in various sectors, while also supporting the long-term growth of the labor market in the EU. The platform will provide an opportunity for Bulgarian employers to directly connect with job seekers from third countries, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in a global context.

The project includes the development of an innovative tool that will facilitate the recruitment process and provide complete information and support for both workers and employers. The platform will speed up and simplify the procedures for international labor migration and provide the necessary support for the integration of migrants into Bulgarian society.

Stay tuned for up-to-date information on the upcoming activities the project will implement.

A first working meeting was held between CEED Bulgaria and BCCI under the project “FSMI in Bulgaria.”
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