Period of implementation: Jun’2013-Nov’2014
Place(s) of project implementation:
Partners: American Farm School Post Secondary Educational and Training Association, Greece
The project “Innovative entrepreneurial initiatives through transnational partnership Bulgaria – Greece” lays the foundation for long-lasting partnerships in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship between Bulgaria and Greece. This partnership was facilitated, among other things, through an electronic-based platform for exchange of experience and contacts between entrepreneurs, investors, educators, mentors and representatives of other interested parties.
The first step in building up this partnership was establishing an Entrepreneurship Academy by implementing practice-oriented trainings for representatives of SMEs in Bulgaria. This academy did train 120 representatives of entrepreneurship and own businesses engaged in micro, small, medium and large enterprises.
In the process of implementation of the project CEED Bulgaria sent to Greece a group of 10 Bulgarian educators in entrepreneurship, in order to get acquainted with the latest trends in the agricultural entrepreneurship. Through discussion and validation of the common curriculum, and through the exchange of know-how, methods, models and good practices, best results were achieved also for the Entrepreneurship Academy.
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