„Innovative knowledge without borders” – EU Grant

Period of implementationMay’12 – Apr’13

Partners: CEED Slovenia


The project “Innovative knowledge without borders” is implemented under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development”, Priority Axis 7: TRANSNATIONAL AND INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION, Grant Scheme is implemented in the period – BG051PoON. – 30.04.2013. The overall goal is to increase the capacity of entrepreneurial human resources in small and medium-sized businesses in Bulgaria.


You can contact specific goals with:

  • Encouraging entrepreneurship by expanding and upgrading the knowledge and skills of the representatives of the target group;
  • International transfer of innovative approaches and methods for training managers and entrepreneurs in order to accelerate the plants of small and medium enterprises;
  • Exchange of experience, know-how and good practices between the partner organizations to increase the efficiency, timeliness and adequacy of the training;
  • Providing a favorable environment for establishing new contacts and business opportunities between the members of the target group;


The activities on the project include:

  1. Exchange of innovative ideas between the partners from Bulgaria and Slovenia:
  • monitoring, research and studies of the development and advancement of the entrepreneurship and the small and medium sized business in Slovenia and Bulgaria
  • exchange of mentors, lecturers and project managers in Slovenia – two visits in Slovenia
  1. Dissemination of the acquired skills and knowledge in Bulgaria and Slovenia:
  • organizing 6 workshops ( 3 workshops in Slovenia and 3 workshops in Bulgaria) with representatives of the target group for transfer of information and best practices in Bulgaria
  • transfer and adaptation of models and practices from other countries;
  • coordinated development of innovative models and ideas in Bulgaria;
  • coordinated joint activities for dissemination of information about the skills and knowledge gained.

3.Creating „Extranet” of the partnership network

  • creating extranet (database and library), which will support the exchange of knowledge and know-how

4.Information and publicity

  • Preconference – 2 – opening and closing
  • Brochures – 1000
  • Information folders – 90
  • Information materials – 90
  • Publications in printing and electronic, national and regional media – 10


For more information:



„Innovative knowledge without borders” – EU Grant
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