Accumulated Report Analysis – XD Media Hub

The creative economy is an evolving concept which builds on the interplay between human creativity and ideas and intellectual property, knowledge and technology. Creative Industry is the new ecosystem of trade in digital services.

The project eXperiential Digital Hub for the Media and Creative Industries, Project No. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000033171 is focused on deep tech entrepreneurship for media and creative industries which requires further exploration of the opportunities and how to follow this path of development of new business.

Accumulated report from November 2022 aims to provide the analysis of information collected by the partners of project: CEED Bulgaria, Cluster Sofia knowledge city, Social Enterprise for All (SE4All), Deusto University, Fasttrack Action, STICHTING INCUBATOR, F6S Network Ireland Limited. They prepared the reports to present the data and analysis of the landscape and growth and development of the Creative & Media industries in their countries: Bulgaria, Ireland, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal.

This report is the basis for the development of the PR1 Competence model and roadmap and is combined for analysis with a profound survey conducted in all partner countries.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”XDHub_PR1_Accumulated country report.docx”]

Accumulated Report Analysis – XD Media Hub
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