Workshop Training /Sofia/ – FCC


In the period March 27-31, 2023, CEED Bulgaria, in its role as a partner in the project “Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change”, financed by the “Erasmus +” program of the European Union, hosted a five-day training on the topic “Sustainable innovation and culture of change”. The training was attended by 22 participants representing each of the partner organizations – CEED Bulgaria, KISMC, WIF, IDEC, EPN Consulting, Creative District, IASP. Emphasis was placed on the growing role of innovation in business models to fight climate change, a better understanding of the need for a change in mindset and good business practices positively impacting the transition to a green and circular economy.

During the training, topics related to innovation culture, sustainable development and the role of business, universities and NGOs in the change process were discussed. Visits were made to selected “green organizations” operating in different spheres of activity – Sofia Tech Park, Inetgra Plastics, Blagichka, each of which shared their good example, the challenges they face and their future ideas. The upcoming project activities and time horizon for their implementation were discussed.



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Workshop Training /Sofia/ – FCC
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